Sowing Machine

From Love Kills

We are running wild, wild in the streets
We are planting seeds, we are a sowing machine
People are hungry but their stomachs are full
While their spiritual lives are push and pull

Yes we are loud and yes we can scream
We are working His field
We are a living kicking sowing machine
Yes we are loud and yes we can scream
We are a living kicking sowing machine

People you need God's light not buds
Just because you party doesn't make you a stud
We are a sowing machine coming in like a flood
You can be like new when your sins are covered
By Jesus blood

A little seed here, another over there
Don't let Satan kill it, don't fall into his snare
Listen to the beat, listen to the words
They come from our heart
The King of Kings wants to be heard

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